Hi 👋 I’m a software developer for Rubin Observatory, and working freelance for such other fine astronomy projects as Astropy under the flag of J.Sick Codes. You can find me committing-up a storm on GitHub as @jonathansick, where the vast majority of my work is available as open source.
I originally trained as an astronomer (BSc Rice, MSc Queen’s, PhD Queen’s) and got my PhD for a panchromatic survey of the Andromeda Galaxy with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. But I always had more of a knack for code than for physics or statistical modelling, so once Rubin (formerly LSST) called for a coder, the rest is history.
My specialization is in building infrastructure that powers astronomy observatories and the astronomers that use them. My tools of the trade are Python, JavaScript/React, and Kubernetes.